Engelske Artikler

Konspirasjonsartikler på engelsk

Israel; The Creation of a New Victim Myth

Jewish World Review ved dets redaktør Joseph Aaron rapporterer at magasinet «Vanity Fair» for oktober 2007, lister USA’s 100 rikeste personer. 51 av dem er jøder sier han. Jødene utgjør 2.5 % av USA’s befolkning, og har altså over halvparten av de rikeste i landet på sin liste. Redaktøren mener at jødene ikke har noen grunn til å føle seg […]

Trusting the King, av R. Wayne Childers

Immediately after 9-11, the administration began arresting and imprisoning people suspected of terrorist ties or activities. When the first of these cases finally reached the lower courts, the Government put forth the novel idea that the President in his discretion alone, could designate a person as a terrorist and later as an “enemy combatant” and have him or her held […]

What is Fascism?

This may surprise most educated people. One of the more common government strategies today, especially in developing regions is fascism. Fascism is commonly confused with Nazism. Nazism is a political party platform that embraces a combination of a military dictatorship, socialism and fascism. It is not a government structure. Fascism is a government structure. The most notable characteristic of a […]

The Beast Has Risen

This video talk is a portion of a 1995 interview with American visionary artist Norbert H. Kox, in reference and response to his oil painting titled “The Venom of Therion” (Therion is Greek for Beast). The final painting in this clip is, “Control Towers: Cleopatra’s Needles,” a 2002 collaborative painting by William Thomas Thompson and Norbert H. Kox. Apocalypse House […]

Naomi Wolf; Ten Steps To Close Down an Open Society

From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms. And, argues Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administration seem to be taking them all. The Guardian; Fascist America, in 10 eay steps Last autumn, there was a military coup in Thailand. The leaders of the coup took […]

Hoppe av pengekarusellen

John Safran, at The Sydney Morning Herald, makes an excellent point. It’s never a good idea to wait until the boat is sinking to bust out the life savers. He strongly recommends that Zionists quickly embrace plan B – adopting a non-Zionist Jewish identity – before it blows. And he offers a diverse list of alternatives for his fellow Jews. […]

An Unholy Alliance

America seems to need someone to hate. It’s the American way. If there is no villain, there is no hero. How would we know good if there wasn’t evil? Just ask the Native Americans, the blacks, the Japanese, and the Russians. Today, the villain is Islam and the coming together of Jews and Christians to root out this common enemy […]

The Rothschild Dynasty

(Condensced from «Descent Into Slavery» by Des Griffin, Chapter Five) Kilde: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/ For many years the words international banker, Rothschild, Money and Gold have held a mystical type of fascination for many people around the world but particularly in the United States. Over the years in the United States, the international bankers have come in for a great deal of […]

Is the Military the Last Hope?

– Cracks in the Pentagon By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Is the high command of the US military breaking ranks with the Bush Regime? With the «mainstream media,» that is, the government’s propaganda ministry, bombarding the American public with «news reports» from unidentified sources that the US government has proof that «the highest reaches of the Iranian government» is supplying weapons […]

The Psycho State

by Congressman Ron Paul | September 14, 2004 A presidential initiative called The “New Freedom Commission on Mental Health” has issued a report recommending forced mental health screening for every child in America, including preschool children. The goal is to promote the patently false idea that we have a nation of children with undiagnosed mental disorders crying out for treatment.