ONE day the people of the whole world will glow with the same Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Christ). When the House of Cards of the Nephilims come tumbling down.
Stikkord: Kevin Spacey
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Jarle Johansen tar en titt på Harlem-Kulten, «Under Satans Øye»
Giskeætt av Ingebjørg Finnsdatter Giske, Israelitter av Davids ætt (Jesus sin slekt)
Jewess Marta Louise and black man Durek Verret in Service for Satan to popularize Mixed Marriages, forbidden for Christians
Kjønnskongruente misfoster, sunne individer som ble reskapt av Gro Harlem Brundtland og hennes nabokjerringer i sitt bilde
Gratulerer med Grunnlovsdag i 1000-års feiringen av Kristenretten; Magna Carta
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It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe that there would be a revolution before morning. And that revolution would be based around the Federal Reserve.
— Henry Ford
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