Charles Fox Parham 1873-1929 – American Pentecostal Pioneer, Pastor and Prolific Author Confirms the Truth of God’s Word in Tracing the Biblical, Genetic Connection of the Royalty of Great Britain to the Throne of King David to Queen Victoria. As early as 1899 or before, Parham had recognized and was teaching the truth of the Christian Anglo-Israel message of the […]
Stikkord: Caucasian Israelites EN
The Bible Distinction Between “The House of Israel” and “The House of Judah
RADIO ADDRESS circa 1930 By F. F. Bosworth (audio here and at the bottom of the article, read before listen). The Israelites and the Jews are two completely different people. The Jews admit to Jesus they are not Israelites, John. 8:33; «never been slaves to anyone» means they was never in Egypt as slaves, aka Edomite idumean Jews of Esau’s […]
Will the Christian White Race be responsible for Biblically Exterminate the Jews (Ezekiel 25) ?
There is no ‘Black Life Matter’ og ‘White Life Matter’, there is ‘Christs Life Matters’ against Satans family, against the Synagogue of Satan, the Jews (Revelation 2.9 & 3.9).
The Kraken is released, the Babylonians exposed
I am a friend of God, and God appointed king of Kings (Isaiah 9:6) for the World to be Jesus Christ, who is the Captain of my Soul. My forefathers did as instructed. As Jesus told the Apostles to go to the Israelites (white saxons, scandinavians, britons, our ancestors was in Europa already, from the Assyrian captivity) when the Jews […]
The difference of Biblical Jews and Israelites
The ones we call Jews today was initially perceived to be from the tribe of Judah. But Herod was a Jew of Edom. Barrabas was a Jew. Caiphas was a Jew. Annas was a Jew. Jude was a Jew. Edomites was converts to be Judeans. But Jesus was from tribe of Judah. All the Apostles beside Jude was Israelites and […]
The Passing of the Great Race
Who brought the Black People the gospel of Jesus Christ? It certainly was not the Jews.
WAR! Those controlling Jerusalem, controls the World
Jesus won on Calvary. He is King of that city forever, of all the World actually, because those who control The Holy City, controls the World.
The difference of satanic Jews and christian Israelites; The Talmud
No Jew will ever be allowed to deceive me into taking his poison ‘vaccine’. #PoisonTheWells. I do not trust Jews. Period.
Equality – fraternity – liberty lost, the Jews selfinterest in destroying Norway
The talmudic Babylonian Jews have a satanic deceptive self interest in destroying Norway and the white nations in the World. It is not Israel in the Middle East, that is the model nation of God in the World, it is another small nation; Norway.
The Freemasonic Method of Dialectics Shaping Peoples Opinions
The freemasonic lodges connected to the mother lodge B’nai Brith, a pure jewish freemasonic lodge, what is most everyone today, is luciferian in their modus operandi. They promise ‘the People’ ‘heaven’ if they do as they are told, but it will always have the opposite of good as a result, because the luciferian mindset is corrupted, they are not able […]
Rabbi Michael Skobac, Jews for Judaism, interpretation of Satan as good
Norwegian Israelite learn the Jewish Rabbies and the Jewish lawyer Alan Dershowitz the cost of interpreting the Israelites Bible the incorrect way.
Jewish Passover; Promotion of the Warmachine and WW3
It is not strange how people who claim to be Christians is promoting Trumphensteins Warmachine. It is foretold it should be so, both in the Bible and in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. One thing we can be sure of, no Christian is called and chosen to fight the World War 3 to the advantage of the Jews.
Norwegian Israelites vs. the Jews, at War
Most of the people of Norway will not understand the Jewish war agains the Caucasian Israelites before the ‘Babylonians’ drops bombs in their head and/or sending them to Gulags. Than it is too late.
Pagan Soldiers of Odin with Oedipus issues
In the times of Odin, the people were more or less exactly like we are today; Some people were spiritual inclined, some where pagans, like Moses brother Aaron leading his people astray, was carnal inclined, I am sure there was lots of people like Vikernes in Odins closest surroundings also, choosing the pagan approach before the spiritual approach.
Lucifer Rising, making Serpent Seed of Children
There is an massive initiation of children and youths by occcult brainwashing into Satanism/Luciferiaism.
According to the Talmud Israelites can legally kill Jews
Some will find it really shocking that the oral rabbinical traditions through the Babylonian Talmud, the Jews most Holy Book, above the Torah, state that all that touch an Israelite or steel from them can legally be killed (by natural Law / Gods Law). But so it says, quoted below.
Christs 1000 Years Reign is In the Past
The writer claim the 1000 Years Millennium under Jesus Christ is not in the Future, but in the Past, and give the Biblical highlights of what is to happen after the Millennium is over, when Satan is to be released from the bottomless pit in Hades and waging war on mankind seeking who he can devour.
Jacobs Trouble, The Holocausting of the Caucasian Israelites
A very good book of where the Caucasian Israelites comes from; Raymond F. McNair, KEY TO NORTHWEST EUROPEAN ORIGINS (1963). It is in the very name of our race; Caucasian, to where the Assyrians brought our forefathers into captivity in 740 B.C., as punishment for their sins (repeating today). The origin of the North European race. Highly recommended book linked […]
Johansen counter the anti-semitism claims
For years and years this writer have been accused of anti-semitism by local and national commentators in the leftist controlled media of Norway. But now the debate is opening up also in Israels newspapers, of what I have argued for years. It’s coming!
Salvation Potential for all Races is Universal
I am so tired of people in the Christian Identity movement is calling me un-Christian, because they oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and deny good people salvation with the argument that only Israelites is to be saved. What a bullshit.