The fremasonic leader of the Scottish Rite in United States Mr. Albert Pike (December 29, 1809 – April 2, 1891) received a vision [from Satan, of Satans future gameplan], which he described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring […]
Stikkord: Israel
Mossad bruker Hamas til å angripe Israel for WW3
Israel ble nylig utsatt for et 9/11-Utøya terror angrep fra Israelske talmudiske askeNAZI khazar-jøder. Vi husker at noen måneder før Utøya, så truet khazar-jødiske leder advokat Dershowitz nasjonen Norge med akkurat samme trusler på vegne av den ugudelige terrorstaten i Midt-Østen.
11 år siden Judea angrep Norge
Gratulerer med dagen. 11 år siden internasjonale sataniske antikristne talmudikerne angrep Norge.
WAR! Those controlling Jerusalem, controls the World
Jesus won on Calvary. He is King of that city forever, of all the World actually, because those who control The Holy City, controls the World.
‘Star of David’, a symbol of Great Babylon (Babylonia)
The six-pointed star is the symbol of Satanic tyranny, which has been used by people throughout history to directly or indirectly worship Satan. The idolotrous Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians used it, some freemasons use it,
Vil et Mossad angrep på Polen lignende Utøya komme ?
Vil Polen bli utsatt for et Utøya terror angrep fra Israelske talmudiske khazar-jøder ? Vi husker at noen måneder før Utøya, så truet khazar-jødiske leder advokat Dershowitz nasjonen Norge med akkurat samme trusler på vegne av den ugudelige terrorstaten i Midt-Østen sine innbyggere som truslene Polen mottar nå.
Sodomite Jews bound for Destruction (Shoah)
#PRIDE movement. Teaching children and youth the Jewish traditions. Did you know that the Jewish traditions is mostly based on Sodomite and Babylonian traditions ?
Equality – fraternity – liberty lost, the Jews selfinterest in destroying Norway
The talmudic Babylonian Jews have a satanic deceptive self interest in destroying Norway and the white nations in the World. It is not Israel in the Middle East, that is the model nation of God in the World, it is another small nation; Norway.
antiChrist Israel will go up in Flames
It was Sir Isaac Newton who said that «by about at the End of Times, God will rise some men that insist we must interprete the Bible quite litterally». I am one of those men.
Frankrike kriminaliserer anti-Sionisme
Prøvelsenes tidsalder har kommet over de kristne. Prøvelsene kommer fra et overraskende hold for mange, fra et sted de nesten ikke kan forestille seg. «‘Kristne’ sionister; De er årsaken til USAs tilbakegang. … De tok kontroll over kirkene og menighetene i Amerika. Amerika er blitt en hedningnasjon, fordi sionismen har tatt øynene fra Jesus og forandret evangeliet«, sier Rick Wiles, […]
NRK: Israel utvikler PC-bomber til bruk i passasjerfly
NRK melder at Israels ISIS arbeider med å fremstille bomber for bærbare PC-er slik at passasjerfly kan sprenges i lufta.
Passover time for Jews, Pass Over to Jesus the Messiah
There is no other rapture (before or after the Tribulations), other than this rapture of the human spirit, to ‘where he is’ (John 14:3), in His Kingdom, his Spiritual Kingdom. Call it His Kingdom of Conscience and/or Consciousness if you want. This is the Resurrection, of the invidual that have taken uptheir crosses and following Jesus Christ.
According to the Talmud Israelites can legally kill Jews
Some will find it really shocking that the oral rabbinical traditions through the Babylonian Talmud, the Jews most Holy Book, above the Torah, state that all that touch an Israelite or steel from them can legally be killed (by natural Law / Gods Law). But so it says, quoted below.
Rejoice: The Nation of Israel soon is no more
Thanks God, the nation of Israel in the Middle East is soon no more, soon to be in the dustbin of history. The Jews have perverted the Worlds populations with their Sabatean gospel of redemption through sin and evil long enough.
Jacobs Trouble, The Holocausting of the Caucasian Israelites
A very good book of where the Caucasian Israelites comes from; Raymond F. McNair, KEY TO NORTHWEST EUROPEAN ORIGINS (1963). It is in the very name of our race; Caucasian, to where the Assyrians brought our forefathers into captivity in 740 B.C., as punishment for their sins (repeating today). The origin of the North European race. Highly recommended book linked […]
Time for Israel to split from Judah?
Rumors is that QE2 is now placed in house arrest, for promise to expose some ‘very dark forces’ , after her Christmas Message. Could it be that she tried to stick to her oath as the Regent of the Lost Tribes of Israel, maybe against her own satanic Prince Charles? I don’t know, you decide.
Christian White People, Celebrate. Time to go Home to Heaven
The Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2.9 & 3.9) is out on their standard mode of mission to steal and murder. With the white Christian people gone the civilization is lost. Those with the Mark of the Beast, all the carnal animals on two feets will have their ShangriLa, to kill and murder, sodomy and anomaly, where the survival of the […]
ISIS Works For Israel
ISIS is making upheaval and mayhem in the Middle East on behalf of Israel so Europe and USA will be occupied with their own problems with the ISIS soldiers the crypto-Jew Erdogan in Turkey is sending our way, too big problems internally to stay in the way of Israels agenda.
There is no Racial element in the Salvation
God gives His Spirit to whoever he wants, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the God-Spirit incarnated. If one people is fallen away, God gives the Spirit of Christ to those peoples and nations that keep God – the Creator – in high esteem.
«Marching to Zion» Avslører «Utvalgte Folk» Bedraget
Ved å støtte Israel, deltar kristne i jødisk blasfemi og vil komme under Guds forbannelse og vrede. «Marching to Zion», er en dokumentar av baptist pastoren Steven Anderson som viser at kristne endelig innser at de har blitt lurt av sionister, enten de er kristne eller jødiske.