Leo Zagami’s Norwegian Experience


Written by Hans Gaarder

Italian Leo Zagami is a freemason of the highest degree and Grandmaster of the European Illuminati.

Illuminati is a secret network that has been developed through centuries and yields much power within the areas of banking, finance, politics, media, religion, freemasonry and other. The American one dollar bill displays a pyramid with 13 levels and an eye at the top which is the symbol of the Illuminati. This is also a symbol of the enormous financial power of the Illuminati that has control and running of central banks as one of their prevailing business concepts.

lluminati is involved in various secret activities, both material and esoteric. Satanism is a part of this.

Orders controlled by the Illuminati where this has been practiced are among others the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) and The Order of the Skull & Bones 322, where president George W. Bush is an initiated member under oath.

The issue of bloodlines is extremely important for members of the Illuminati. Through his bloodlines, royal british-scottish at his mothers side and Italian black nobility at his fathers side, Leo Zagami was born into having an important position of power within
the Illuminati network.

At age 23 Zagami was initiated as Freemason of the 33rd degree. He was born to be the successor of the aging Illuminati king Licio Gelli at the P2 lodge of Monte Carlo. Zagami started visiting Norway in the 90’s to investigate whether satanic activities were
taking place there. As a freemason and grandmaster of the Illuminati he became naturally integrated into the norwegian freemason and satanic communities. In 2002 Zagami was consecrated into the Egyptian-gnostic order of Memphis-Misraïm, which happens only to a selected few freemasons of the highest order.

Zagami experienced that there was a lot of satanic
activity going on in Norway. In 2003 he started his
efforts to end the ritual satanic practices by raising
the issue internally within the communities. But
fighting satanism in Norway turned out to be far from
easy. After Zagami took the first discrete
initiatives to radically change the practices within
these communities, he experienced on various
occasions to become a victim of abuse carried out by
the norwegian authorities.

The first time Zagami became the target of power abuse
was in the autumn of 2003. During some days persons
from the OTO had been harassing Zagami and his
girlfriend at the time using phone and email. This
provoked and enfuriated Zagami and made his norwegian
girlfriend at the time, who was not so well used to
Sicilian temperament, to feel uneasy about the
situation and call for assistance.
Suddenly representatives for the norwegian
intelligence service, the PST, appeared at his home.
Zagami was handcuffed and brought to the psychiatric
emergency unit for registration. Then he was brought
to a psychiatric hospital where he was confined.
Normally, the intelligence unit PST has no connection
to mental health assistance services, indicating that
the whole charade of provocations and the resulting
follow up was a setup initiated by certain OTO
Although quite unknown to the public, even in Norway,
the Norwegian government has a tradition of widespread
use of mental ward confinement towards individuals
that are considered being «obstacles» for the
norwegian authorities and their shady puppet masters.
This happened to a brilliant lawyer named Synnove
Fjellbakk Tafto, who worked in the norwegian ministry
of foreign affairs during the membership negotiations
with the EU. After she had made it clear for the
politicians taking part in the negotiations that the
legal framework she was presented implied a breach of
the norwegian constitution and nothing was done about
it, she was about to blow the whistle. But before she
was allowed to speak into a TV microphone she was
taken away on the order of a norwegian politican with
much power at the time. She was put into a mental
hospital where she has spent lots of years since.
This shame has never been mentioned in norwegian

Being inside the psychiatric ward, the statements made
by Zagami to explain his situation and his mission in
Norway were interpreted by the mental ward staff and
registered in their journals as Zagami being
«megalomaniac» and having «extensive delusions»,
«paranoic conceptions» and «faulty perception of
reality». These mis-interpretations made by the ward
authorities who themselves displayed faulty
perceptions of the reality of Zagami, were in its turn
used as the psychiatric rationalizations for applying
the inhuman Norwegian law that permits forced mental
ward confinement.
As a foreigner unable to speak the local language, and
without proper connections in Norway Zagami became a
helpless victim of the abuse of power by the norwegian
The use of mental ward confinement against persons
displaying «undesired attitudes» was a successful
formula in the former Soviet Union. For a person who
has been institutionalized in a mental ward, many acts
from the ward staff will deliberately or
coincidentally function as provocations pushing the
nerves and emotions of the client towards its
boundaries or beyond. Thus any reaction to the insane
situation that is being experienced by the client will
be perceived by the ward staff as confirming the
correctness of the decision to having the person put
into confinement. Due to this devilish dynamics and
other circumstances, once being inside, the battle to
get out might be long and hard, exacerbated by the
uncertainty of the duration of the stay.
Zagami managed however to escape by fleing from the
mental ward confinement. Having checked in and passed
the security control at the Oslo Airport and heading
for London, he was arrested by the Norwegian police
and brought back to continued confinement at the
mental institution. After lots of hassle and
uncertainty Zagami was finally released from the ward
after having been there for 4 weeks.
In connection to this it can be mentioned that the
following year, a mentally disturbed asylum seeker
from Africa stabbed 5 persons at an Oslo tramcar, one
of which was killed. This dangerous mentally disturbed
man was rejected psychiatric ward confinement on the
grounds that all ward institutions were so full that
not a single solitary room was available for this
serious emergency situation.
One and a half year later, in May 2005 another abusive
assault on Zagami’s intregrity was carried out by
norwegian authorities. During the night Zagami
received a phone call from a person within the OTO
telling him «you’re a dead man». Zagami contacted the
police and reported the threat. However the next
morning Zagami’s home was surrounded by more than 10
heavily armed policemen. Since Zagamis phone was
tapped by the secret police the police could easily
have verified that the threat that Zagami had reported
was real. However, it was Zagami’s home that was
raided and Zagami who was arrested. They brought him
to the same psychiatric institution where he had been
put the first time. In the ward journals it says that
he had been put there for «threatening behavior in the
street». There had also been an anonymous phone call
to the ward institution complaining about Zagami as
being threatening. (How could an anonymous caller know
so well know where to call without having knowledge
of the past ?) Even the medical chief of the hospital
admitted that such calls were very rare, acknowledging
the probability of a setup.
Prior to this there had been a showdown within the
freemasonry in England, where Zagami had been playing
an active role. As a result of this one english
individual had been considered «not fit and proper» to
participate in a certain community after some of his
undertakings had been exposed due to Zagami. As it
was, this individual had close ties to some Norwegians
with the ability to pull the strings of «useful idiot»
norwegian authorities.

In June 2006 Zagami came back to Norway after having
broken out of and left the Illuminati.
He had married Fatma Süslu the year before and she was
pregnant with their child. Deflections very rarely
occur within the closed and secretive Illuminati
network. Anyone who leaves Illuminati runs the danger
of death. Being at home with his wife Zagami explained
the situation for his wife telling her that his life
was in danger. She proposed to call the police for
security reasons but Leo said no and took the
cellphone out of her hand. Some time later, seemingly
out of nowhere, two policemen entered the home of the
Zagami family . They handcuffed Leo and brought him
to the same mental institution once more leaving her
wife in disbelieve . He got out from the ward just in
time for the birth of their son.
Zagami not only had the courage to leave the
Illuminati, but he also started publishing his
Illuminati confessions at the Internet. These
confessions contained lots and lots of information
about the Illuminati, both historic and present, about
its secret and dubious activities and about people
involved. The first confessions were published at the
blogsite www.illuminaticonfessions.squarespace.com.
Some of the content was not appreciated by the
norwegian OTO and freemason societies. For this reason
certain individuals from these societies filed a
complaint for having their names exposed at the
Illuminati Confessions website. This resulted in that
the norwegian authorities took action and had the
original Illuminati Confessions website closed. This
happened in december 2006, a couple of months after
the confessions publishing started. Zagami’s response
to this was to have the site and all the content moved
to a server in Italy that was beyond the reach of the
oppressive norwegian authorities and to continue the
Illuminati exposure from there.
Few days after Zagami continued the publishing of his
confessions his home was visited late one night by two
policemen and two social workers. They forced their
way into the Zagami home in spite of that his wife had
told them to wait outside until she had called the
police station to check out that they actually were
who they claimed to be.
Once they were inside, Zagami’s wife was escorted into
another room so that the visitors could speak «in
serious» alone with Leo. The policemen threatened him
with being arrested if he went on with his Illuminati
confessions at the net. In the presence of the social
workers it was stated that they had the power to take
away his children (Leo’s son and the other son of his
wife that Leo also considered to be his child). Leo
made it clear that he in no way intended to be
affected by the threats and that he would go on with
the publishing of his confessions. Shortly after this
the representatives of the norwegian authorities left.

Leo and his wife have told about this experience short
time after it happened at a radio program that is
available at

In the end of february 2008 Zagami suddenly found
himself living alone after his wife had moved out of
the home and taken the children with her. After the
breakup there was some degree of turbulence between
them due to that Leo suddenly became deprived of the
possibility of being with his son. Fatma on her side
had made up false accusations against Leo and
delivered to the police like some sort of
precautionary action to secure that the son would stay
with her and not with his father.

Late in the evening one early day in march three
police representatives (2 PST and 1 from the local
Stovner police station) arrived in Zagami’s home. They
said that they had to arrest him. When Zagami asked if
they had a warrant they were unable to present this.
According to police documentation, the warrant was
produced after the arrest had been carried out.
Zagami was brought to the local police station and put
in a prison cell until the next day. The preceding
event to this abusive police action was that Leo had
had a telephone quarrel with his wife where he had
made it clear that he wanted to see his son the
following day which was Leo’s birthday. Half serious
and half jokingly he had said he would publish a
sensitive photo and a sensitive video at the net if
she did not let him see his son that he had not seen
since she had left. Fatma Süslu had then called the
police and reported that Leo had made threats to her.
The day after the arrest, while Leo was still in
prison, the police raided his home and confiscated his
laptops and cellphones along with some documents,
among those the foundation documents of the norwegian
Committee of Hope. This committee was founded the year
before, when the world famous author G. Edward Griffin
was in Norway. During this visit Griffin awarded Leo
Zagami the Freedom Force international Award for his
whistleblower bravery. This high ranking award had
previously been given to Aaron Russo and other men of
high moral and integrity. Before Zagami left Norway in
april the police went through their confiscated stuff
and decided to return his telephone book – but the
founding document of the Committee of Hope remained in
their custody and they still have to this day his
computers, mobile and all the rest. It might seem as
if fascism should arrive in Norway, most of the
inhabitants wont even notice, since it might seem it
is already in place.
Leo Zagami decided to return to Illuminati during the
last part of his stay in Norway. His departure from
the Illuminati two years earlier had created
turbulence within the Monte Carlo P2 lodge. Another
person had followed Zagamis path of deflection and
there appeared a clearly felt vacuum within the lodge
that only the bloodline Zagami is carrying might seem
able to fill. Zagami has also assumed the position of
Supreme Commander of the Knights Templar of the
Apocalypse, determined to continue his work of
exposure of secret criminal activities and to restore
the practices within freemasonry and other secret
societies to their original benevolent purposes.

Few if any seem capable of being better able to
implement these required actions than Leo Zagami, not
the least because of his immense knowledge, being
known within the Illuminati as «The historian».

Hans Gaarder

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