Queen Victoria – the Last of King David’s Royal Throne in Britain

Charles Fox Parham 1873-1929 – American Pentecostal Pioneer, Pastor and Prolific Author Confirms the Truth of God’s Word in Tracing the Biblical, Genetic Connection of the Royalty of Great Britain to the Throne of King David to Queen Victoria. As early as 1899 or before, Parham had recognized and was teaching the truth of the Christian Anglo-Israel message of the Bible.

After Queen Victoria, the british royals was insaminated and cross-breeded with Rothschild Jewish blood. The Jews hijacked the throne of their main enemies, the Israelites, the white race. https://www.riksavisen.no/european-royals-are-all-from-edomesau/

From the same bloodline as Queen Victoria is the family of Harald Hårfagre (Fairhair) and the Giske-ætta. That is uncovered by lots of research and articled by this writer. Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson was furious that the bernadotte maroccan Jews was stealing the throne of Norway, from his family, the righteous rulers of Norway, he claimed :  https://www.riksavisen.no/giske-aetta-felles-forfedre-med-donald-trump-og-42-amerikanske-presidenter/

Relasjonsdiagram - Harald Hårfa


From the Fairhair family ALL royals in a long line in UK and Norway belongs to.

Queen Victorias son Edward VII (born 1841), became the first British monarch of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, named after the ducal house to which Albert his father belonged. There the King Davids line of reign is broken (Source).

Charles Fox Parham earnestly contended for this truth until his death in 1929. As late as two years before his death, he published an article in «THE APOSTOLIC FAITH» magazine of July 1927 affirming his belief in this truth and encouraging his readers to accept it as being a part of the Full-Gospel message. The following are the opening and closing paragraphs of that article entitled, «The Ten Lost Tribes.»

«I want to write a short sketch to introduce to our readers one of the most important topics of the day, commonly known as Anglo-Israel, or The Ten Lost Tribes. I do not think that any Full Gospel preacher ought to longer delay in acquainting himself with this subject as I believe it belongs with the Full Gospel Message and that the message of the last days must include this subject or we are not preaching the Full Gospel. Now, if the reader will carefully read Jacob’s blessings upon his children for the last days, and all the prophecies concerning Israel in the Old Testament, knowing they refer to the above named nations (ie: Anglo-Saxondom) and belong to us as a people, (ie: Protestants) the Old Testament will become a new book to you full of vital importance and interest.»

The following article entitled, «Queen Victoria’s Descent From Adam,» was published in «THE APOSTOLIC FAITH» magazine of March 22, 1899. On the following pages are facsimiles of this article and of the masthead of Parham’s magazine.


The following genealogy was first studied by Rev. F. R. A. Glover, M.A., of London, in 1861, but no depths of facts were reached, when others took it up, until Mr. J. C. Stevens, of Liverpool, compiled this evidence which resulted in bringing to light the wonderful fact that God has proved His oath to David that he would never want for an heir to sit on the throne, and infidelity is nonplused.

This, then, was discovered to be no new fact; that the Saxon kings had done the same was found in MS, in Herald College, London, and in Sharon Miner’s History of Anglo-Saxons, vol. I.

At the capture of Jerusalem Zedekiah was taken to Babylon and died there, but Jeremiah, his father-in-law, fled with the heir to the throne, Tea Tephi, to Egypt, and when Egypt fell fled on board a ship carrying tin from Britain, and thus reached Ireland, and there died.

«In the following genealogy those who reigned have K fixed to their names. The dates after private names refer to their birth and death; those after sovereign’s names to their accession and death. Wherever known, the wives have been mentioned. Besides those mentioned in Genesis, some have been obtained from Polano («The Talmud.» London, 1877.) b, and d. stand for born and died.»



1. Adam, b c 4000, 3070, Eve.
2. Seth, b c 3870, 2978
3. Enos, b c 3765, 2860
4. Cainan, b c 3675, 2765
5. Mahalaleel, b c 3605, 2710
6. Jared, b c 3540, 2578
7. Enoch, b c 3378, 3013
8. Methusaleh, b c 3313, 2344
9. Lamech, b c 3126, 2344
10. Noah, b c 2944, 2006, Naamah
11. Shem, b c 2442, 2158
12. Arphaxad, b c 2342, 1904
13. Salah, b c 2307, 2126
14. Heber, b c 2277, 2187
15. Peleg, b c 2243, 2004
16. Reu, b c 2213, 2026
17. Serug, b c 2181, 2049
18. Nahor, b c 2052, 2003
19. Terah, b c 2122, 2083, Amtheta
20. Abraham, b c 1992, 1817, Sarah
21. Isaac, b c 1896, 1716, Rebekah
22. Jacob, b c 1837, 1690, Leah
23. Judah, b c 1753, Tamar
24, Hezron
25. Aram
26. Aminadab
27. Naashon
28. Salmon
29. Boaz, b c 1312, Ruth
30. Obed
31. Jesse


32. K David, b c 1085, 1015, Bathsheba
33. K Solomon, b c 1003, 975 Naamah
34. K Rehoboam, b c 1016, d 958, Maacah
35. K Abijam, b c 958, 955
36. K Asa, b c 955, 914, Azubah
37. K Jehosaphat, b c 914, 889
38. K Jehoram, b c 889, 885, Athaliah
39. K Ahaziah, b c 906, 884; Zibiah
40. K Joash, b c 885, 839, Jehoaddan
41. K Amaziah, b c 864, d 810, Jecholiah
42. K Uzziah, b c 826, d 758, Jerushah
43. K Jotham, b c 783, d 742
44. K Ahaz, b c 787, d 726, Abi
45. K Hezekiah, b c 751, d 698, Hephzibah
46. K Manasseh, b c 710, d 643, Meshullemeth
47. K Amos, b c 621, d 641, Jedidah
48. K Josiah, b c 649, d 610, Hamutah
49. K Zedekiah, b c 578, 599


50. K Heremon, b b c 580, Tea Tephi
51. K Irail, Foidh reigned 10 years
52. K Ethraill, reigned 20 years
53. Follain
54. K Tighermas, reigned 50 years
55. Eanbotha
56. Smiorguil
57. K Fiachadh Labhraine, reigned 24 years
58. K Aongus Ollmuchaidh, reigned 21 years
59. Maoin
60. K Rogheachta, reigned 25 years
61. Dein
62. K Siorna Saoghalach, reigned 21 years
63. Oholla Olchaoin
64. K Giallchadh, reigned 9 years
65. K Aodhain Glas, reigned 22 years
66. K Simeon Breac, reigned 6 years
67. K Muireadach Bolgrach, reigned 4 years
68. K Fiachadh Tolgrach, reigned 7 years
69. K Duach Laidrach, reigned 10 years
70. Eochaidh Buaigllorg
71. K Ugaine More the Great, reigned 30 years
72. K Cobhthach Coalbreag, reigned 30 years
73. Meilage
74. K Jaran Gleofathach, reigned 7 years
75. K Coula Cruaidh Cealgach, reigned 4 years
76. K Oiliolla Caisfhiachach, reigned 25 years
77. K Eochaidh Foltleathan, reigned 11 years
78. K Aongus Tuirmheach Teamharch, reigned 30 years
79. K Eana Aighneach, reigned 28 years
80. Labhra Suire
81. Blathucta
82. Eassamhuin Eamhua
83. Roighnein Ruadh
84. Finlogha
85. Fian
86. K Eodchaidh Feidhlioch, reigned 12 years
87. Fineamhuas
88. Lughaidh Raidhdearg
89. K Criomthan Niadhnar, reigned 16 years
90. Fearaidhach Fion-Feachtnuigh
91. K Fiachadh Fionoluidh, reigned 20 years
92. K Tuathal Teachtmar, reigned 30 years
93. K Coun Ceadchathach, reigned 20 years
94. K Arb Aonflier, reigned 30 years
95. K Cormae Usada, reigned 40 years
96. K Caibre Liffeachair, reigned 27 years
97. K Fiachadh Sreabthuine, reigned 30 years
98. K Muireadhach Tireach, reigned 30 years
99. K Eoachaidh Moigmeodhin, reigned 7 years
100. K Niall of the Nine Hostages
101. Eogan
102. K Muireadhach
103. Earca


104. K Feargus More, a d 437
105. K Dongard, d 457
106. K Conran, d 535
107. K Aidan, d 604
108. K Eugene IV, d 622
109. K Donald IV, d 650
110. Dongard
111. K Eugene V., d 692
112. Findan
113. K Eugene VII, d a d 721, Spondau
114. K Etfinus, d a d 761, Fergina
115. K Achaius, d a d 819, Fergusia


116. K Alpin, d 834
117. K Kenneth II., d 854
118. K Constantin II., d 874
119. K Donald VI, d 903
120. K Malcolm I., d 958
121. K Kenneth III, d 994
122. K Malcolm II, d 1033
123. Beatrix m. Thane Albanach
124. K Duncan I., d 1040
125. K Malcolm III Canmore, d 1055, 1093, Margaret of England
126. K David I, d 1153, Maud of Northumberland
127. Prince Henry, d 1153, Adama of Surry
128. Earl David, d 1219, Maud of Chester
129. Isabel m Robert Bruce III
130. Robert Bruce IV m Isabel of Gloucester
131. Robert Bruce V m Martha of Carriok
132. K Robert I. Bruce, d 1306, 1329, Mary of Burke
133. Margary Bruce m Walter Stewart III
134. K Robert II, d 1390, Euphonia of Ross, d 1376
135. K Robert II, d 1460, Arabella Drummond, d 1401
136. K James I, d 1424, 1437, Joan Beaufort
137. K James I, d 1406, Margaret of Gueldres, d 1463
138. K James III, d 1488, Margaret of Denmark, d 1484
139. K James IV, d 1543, Margaret of England, d 1539
140. K James V, d 1542, Mary of Lorraine, d 1560
141. Q Mary, d 1587, Lord Henry Darnley


142. K James VI and I, d 1603, 1625, Ann of Denmark
143. Princess Elizabeth, 1596, 1613, K Frederick of Bohemia
144. Princess Sophia m Duke Ernest of Brunswick
145. K George I., 1698, 1727, Sophia Dorothea Zelle, 1667, 1726
146. K George II., 1727, 1760, Princell Caroline of Auspach, 1683, 1737
147. Prince Frederick of Wales, 1707, 1751, Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, 1744, 1818
148. K George III., 1760, 1820, Princess Sophia of Mecklenberg Strelitz
149. Duke Edward of Kent, 1767, 1820, Princess Victoria of Leinengen
150. Queen Victoria, b 1819, cr 1838, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg

From this royal princess, we obtain, then, a direct and unbroken line of ancestry to King Fergus, who went from Ireland to reign as king of Scotland; and from King Fergus I of Scotland we get the same unbroken line to the time of King James of Scotland, who himself became king of England; and from King James we get the same unbroken line to our beloved Queen [ Victoria ], she being, then, the seed royal to King David’s house, and therefore the royal seed of King David; she is, and must be, the ruling monarch over the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

The Rev. Joseph Wild, D.D., says the old Irish histories say when Jeremiah landed in Ireland with Princess Tea Tephi, he took with him a stone which stone was known to have been in the temple at Jerusalem. On this very stone all the monarchs in Ireland were crowned, until Fergus I., king of Scotland, who caused the same stone to be taken from Ireland to Scotland, and so were all the monarchs in Scotland crowned upon it, from Fergus to King James, after which it was brought to England; and so all the monarchs in England, from King James to our beloved Queen, have been crowned upon it, she being the last crowned upon this wonderful stone: so that for 2,450 years monarchs have been crowned upon this wonderful stone, which stone may be seen this very day under the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey, London. It received the names, Wonderful, the Precious Stone, Jacob’s Stone and is now called Jacob’s Stone. The Lord said Jacob’s stone should be a pillar of witness that He would fulfill His promises to Israel. The stone was kept in the temple at Jerusalem as a witness, and from there was removed to Ireland, and then to Scotland, and now we have it as a witness in England. Joshua 14:27 said unto all the people, behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us, for it hath heard all the words of the Lord, which he spake unto us; it shall be, therefore a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God. I ask, why does this enlightened nation keep such a stone so many generations if there is no meaning in it? Why, because it must continue with the royal seed to be a witness that our Queen is the seed royal to King David’s house, and her subjects are the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

Queen Victoria’s peaceful, prosperous, successful reign for well nigh three-score years, has been almost phenomenal. Who next? Possibly the Prince of Wales for a turbulent time during the final war with Esau, and then possibly «A child shall lead them,» since the next heir is a baby now. And then Jesus, who was born to this end. «Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and ONE KING shall be king to them all, and they shall be no more TWO NATIONS, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all.»

The Union Jack, used to be the Union of Jacob’s seed.

Jesus Christ was King of the kings of the anglo-saxon nordic BRITISH (British means the «covenant people») race until the Jews hijacked power, after Victoria.

European Royals are ALL from Edom/Esau (aka ‘Jews’)

From then on our nations have been in a steady degenerate course into the abyss, as the Jews Soviet, their Babylon, their Sodom and Gomorah, their Weimar-republic. This poor people, they have NEVER been successfull on any building of civilization, in anything they have tried they have failed. Because they are of the wrong Spirit, the herodian mentality of Satan (Rev. 2.9 & 3.9), not the Spirit of Christ.

Norwegian are mostly tribe of Napthali and Dan, the danish are tribe of Dan, and we are partly ;

Linda Watson: Tribe of Benjamin

Benjamin were the ancient Vikings. They have an incredible history. They had a sword that can not be produced today. The knowledge of how to make this sword has been lost. What caused their people to raid Europe? Did they rule Russia?

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