Engelske Artikler

Konspirasjonsartikler på engelsk

The Story of the Babylonian Whore; Gro Harlem Brundtland

I am working on my next book ; ‘The Story of the Babylonian Whore; Gro Harlem Brundtland’. The satanic jewish humanist mother of the feminist movement in Norway. She offered women «sexual liberation» and made millions of women by that into public whores. That is how Satan operates, deceit, to kill & destroy (people and societies).

Fantastic Christian Women as Preachers

As a writer I analyse the World through internet. My analyses is based on what I see. I just want to let my readers know, there is litterary thousands like this ladies.  They have millions of followers. Seem to me that Jesus, as me, have a special affection for beautiful girls. Difficult not to have sinful thoughts in that regard  […]

Queen Victoria – the Last of King David’s Royal Throne in Britain

Charles Fox Parham 1873-1929 – American Pentecostal Pioneer, Pastor and Prolific Author Confirms the Truth of God’s Word in Tracing the Biblical, Genetic Connection of the Royalty of Great Britain to the Throne of King David to Queen Victoria. As early as 1899 or before, Parham had recognized and was teaching the truth of the Christian Anglo-Israel message of the […]

The Bible Distinction Between “The House of Israel” and “The House of Judah

RADIO ADDRESS circa 1930 By F. F. Bosworth (audio here and at the bottom of the article, read before listen). The Israelites and the Jews are two completely different people. The Jews admit to Jesus they are not Israelites, John. 8:33; «never been slaves to anyone» means they was never in Egypt as slaves, aka Edomite idumean Jews of Esau’s […]

Albert Pike and Three World Wars

The fremasonic leader of the Scottish Rite in United States Mr. Albert Pike (December 29, 1809 – April 2, 1891) received a vision [from Satan, of Satans future gameplan], which he described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring […]

Antisemites and Jews in Holy Trinity; Christians

I just wants my readers to note something. Our people is dumbed down, deceived, lied to and led astray by corrupt political ledership. As the foremost «antisemite» in Norway (I am proud of that fact, in the definition they give it – anti-Satanists), claiming Christian and Jews who are Zionists are neither Christians nor Jews, not even neccessarryly semites at […]

To celebrate Christmas(s) in December is not paganism

There is a campaign of judaized ‘christians’ to destroy the Christian traditions. They will around christmas time step forward in social medias to claim that Christmas(s) is a pagan holliday, and not a Christian holyday. They are wrong. They wants us to be Jews Light, 680 talmudic rules and regulations to follow, in order to be prepared for Heaven. The […]

Islam is Closest to Christianity

Muslims and Christians may strategically unite against Jewry, and against the anti-Christ in the Third Temple in Jerusalem. You will never hear me agree and scream as the gullible masses that is social engineered to claim the Muslims are the root of the World evils. I say they are social engineered to say so, easy preys for the Builders (Freemasons […]

The Art of Jesus Christs War against the Jews

We live in perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1-3), but also very interesting times, when the Biblical ultimate war between good and evil is reaching its epitome. The words of 2. Timothy 3 were written nearly 2000 years ago but they perfectly describe the times in which we are presently living in. At no time in history were times more perilous […]

God bless Henry Makow to end feminism

«A merciless quest for Truth. It goes back many years, until the beginning of the internet age, Henry was one of my «accomplices» in another matter. The Norwegian Mens Movement and SaveThe Males.com who was Henry’s project; I gave up the project. There was nothing to save in Norway. No one had the courage to support me and the activity, why should I try to save them when noone didn’t want to be saved, a feminized shadow of the men they could be, cowards, feminized misfosters, feminism, a Luciferian seduction and Jezebel spirit, creates homosexuality.»