Jewess Marta Louise and black man Durek Verret in Service for Satan to popularize Mixed Marriages, forbidden for Christians

The princess of Norway Martha Louise born in Norway, and Durek Verret from USA is marrying in Norway. Martha Louise is of norwegian ancestry on her mothers side, and Jewish on her fathers side.

Martha is not a good example for young girls with this marriage, that is for sure… so we need to balance the popularization and advertisement for such, from a christian viewpoint. Young girls needs to hear the christian viewpoint of it, not only the jewish subversion propaganda in favour of it.

It is obvious it is her fathers traditions, because this is strictly forbidden in christian Norway through the ages. I am doing ancestry research, her mother is from the real royal family of Norway, the Fairhair (Hårfagre) family, as myself, and her father is Jewish. I described his Jewish ancestry in this article :

Miscegenation = the interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial types:

If some readers dont know by know that the white race is the real israelites (Image pop-up, ancestry chart of Abraham), they will not understand what I say. Nothing in the Bible will make sense for them, before they understand that the Israelites, that is we, the white race, and that we are today are in «Jacobs Trouble», the Jews never have any troubles, they kill, steal and lie to always have it their way, no troubles at all.

Evidence of real Israel in Bible Prophesy, and end times Holocaust

We are:

Caucasian Israelites; The People Who Shall Dwell Alone

Jacobs Trouble, The Holocausting of the Caucasian Israelites

Miscegenation is promoted by a Jewish princess born in Norway who marry a black man this weekend. She is in service for the hatefull and evil miscegenation plans for the white young girls of Jacob-Israels seed, by the babylonian Jews, they are doing full spead ahead of that program now. We can not open a newspaper or look at any advertisements on TV without a mixed couple is promoted to the young girls, who will start to believe this satanic plan is normal. In Norway there is not a single TV commercial made with only norwegians in it.

I take this wedding as an personal insult, since they needed to do this in center of my families place, my great-grandmother is from Skageflå in Geiranger, I feel it like an invasion of my private spaces, an insult it should be used like this. In strict opposition to all my family have stood for in 1000 years:

It have always been «normal» for Jews to marry in mixed marriages. Isaac was furious at Esau he married outside his race. He did it anyway, with canaanites and even a daughter of Ishmael (muslims), ref. Genesis 28:9. Esau of Edom is todays Jews :

Her mothers family bloodline, to Harald Hårfagre (Fairhair)

Harald Haarfagre Halvdansson - Dronning Sonja Haraldsen (av Norge)

Same as mine :

Harald Haarfagre Halvdansson - Jarle Johansen

Never in my database of 55.000 people and bloodlines to Fairhair (HÅRFAGRE), Rurik and Giske-family, have I found our ancestors marry outside their race. NEVER happened !

It is a totally disgrace of Queen Sonja to allow this.

The poor woman, might regret she married mixed herself. King Harald is of the jewish Bernadotte family.

Their children is not any big success from a christian viewpoint, both strongly satanic behavior. She have two children of their fathers antichristian spirits, her daughter promoting unchristian mixed marriages and her son is a WEF agent (World Economic Forum), a so called ‘Young Global Leader’ of WEF working for the WEF, and he is supposed to be king of Norway, I suppose his jewish motto will be «Tikkum Olam of Norway as Soon As Possible». «Tikkun Olam» is a jewish «creative destruction» to redsign the world in their (antichristian) image.

Jewish Crown-Prince of WEF in Davos: Re-Design Our World

The satanic crown prince is doing his best to re-design Norway, in a antiChristian satanic way. Treason.

All former kings of Norway had «All For Norway», he is more like «All for the Jewish New World Order (Utopia)».

1000 years our kings in Norway, it is 1000 years anniversary this year (1024 – 2024), have as Law § 1 in Gulatingsloven, that JESUS CHRIST is King of our kings as per Isaiah 9:6.

It ended with this king and his pervert son the Crown Prince Haakon, with his lolita honeypot for blackmail #Epsteinmembership wife and her satanic drug addicted son. She was a drug addict herself and a matress for her gang of drug addicted companions to have sex with, no wonder her son is the same type.

After WW2 the Jews won the war for themselves, for their antiChristian kingdom we see them building today, the Great Reset. We went from Nazi occupation to askeNazi occupation, same shit different wrapping;

We can see were they come from. We dont wear those in christianity. It is for the Synagogue of Satan only (Rev. 2:9, 3:9).

The problem for the Jews is that they are not able to not overplay their hand.

We Israelites nordics normally not marry black people, we’re Christian.  The Bible forbids it. God flooded the World and brough down the tower of Babel and Babylon for a reason.

This is what evil talmudic Jews are about to do to our race, total race extinction

And that is exactly what the most hatefull amongst the talmudic satanic Jews have planned to do to the nordic race.

First part of the Jews in power of Norway’s plan is to learn children to be satanists;

1) Making all the teens addicted to sex for pleasure, what the Bible calls the carnal man, living «in the flesh».

2) Then they need to have the white girls hook up with black men, a perversion in christianity. «Normal» in Jewry;


3) You will see advertisements with a black/white couple in all media, to popularize this as the new «normal» for whites.

Ervin Kohn needs plenty of immigrants to mate with white norwegian girls, to achieve his evil goals :

Britain Is Proof: Globalists Plan To Use Migrants As A Mercenary Army Against The West

No king of the nation of the King of the kings Jesus Christ to save our girls from the illusions of «all people are the same»,»one race» and the rest of the BS, they will very soon find out it is not true.

4) BLM, black people will be built up selfconfidence so they start behave like they are rocket scientists all of them. They will claim all inventions come from Africa and we whites have stolen them from them, the Jews will set them up.

5) Our young beatiful girls fall for the bolsjevik propaganda, the type of Gods mosaic in skincolor they wants to stop having in the world by miscegenation, the Jews have plkaced themselves in «Gods place», in Jerusalem, on the throne, deciding who shall live and who shall die. An awfull destiny awaits them for this, and for their evils against us christians :

It is pure evil in action to abort and / or miscegenate our race :

The Jews wants the norwegians and all of the white race bastards Obama style ;

That have been their plan a very long time:

Esau was Jacobs brother, same race. So even if Esaus children became bastards, they still have a kind of whiteness some, so they can fool the world they are white when it suits them. Jewish woman explains how jews pretend to be White to benefit themselves and/or harm Whites:

For the poor white children it is a world upside down, Jewish propaganda 365/24/7 for satanic lifestyles as subversion of the christian nations and all christian:

A very thrue statement from an honest Jew (theere exist a few of them, ref. John 8:44):

We Israelites nordics normally don’t worship Astarte (Babylonske Ishtar) as jewish Marta Lovise (her company was named ‘Astarte Education’, ref. Judges 10:6), she’s an expert on that kind of satanism (1 Kings 11:15), we Israelites are godly (1 Samuel 7:4)..

The love for big penises, that is a real Astarte (goddess for fertility & wars)

That was read by Ari Behn, a man known for his family loyalties ( a christian value ). On the day of his death he saw on TV, brought into his living room where he was taken out of his childrens life, alone with the company of a bottle of whiskey, a black man as per christian standards pervert with an enormous penis in church with the hand around his little blond daughter.

The Babylonian spirit of Gro Harlem Brundtland and Karin Stoltenberg took not only his wife (satanic, he should be happy to get rid of her), his children also. My book is coming soon on the issue.

That was voodo, that was MURDER !

To all the beautiful Christian white girls of Norway, Europe, USA, NZ, Canada and AUS, mate with your own race. Take care of your beauty, you are the diamonds of Gods creation. Your DNA will NEVER repair itself. God have promised a few of our race will be spared, 144.000 symbolical of each of Jacob-Israels tribes.

Make sure you try to be one of those. The good news today from me, is that some stupid white bitches will mate with colored people, they are so stupid and probably ugly they are not a very big loss at all..

We have all the diversity we need in the white race Jews, thank you very much for leaving Christians alone, OR you shall have Gods awfull wrath, see Obadiah 1:8.

«Sea» in biblical symbology is ‘nations’.. The Beast of talmudic Jews was rised from all the worlds nations from diaspora, to Russia > Sovjet, from Sovjet as bolsjevik atheist godless killers airlifted to Israel when they landed in Tel Aviv they had become «gods» (satans) Chosen People, and from Israel to USA (New Babylon) on double passports to rule, and/or buy all politicians there to do their bidding, or by #Epstein MOSSAD blackmail. Left, center, right, all is controlled by babylonian Jews, JUST as the Bible predicts.

Donald Trump is Jewish on his fathers side, just like King Charles of UK is, and Israelites of the white race on their mothers side.

They own all and everyone, all politicians… it seems dim and black now for the white race, as it shows clearly that Donald Trump as Biden/Kamela and Putin, people look for saviors, none to be found. ALL is bought for some shekels, and do the Jews service, in ALL nations of the world. They believe themselves to be indestructible… They litterally OWN everone, massmedia owners, journalists, scientists, all politicians, left, senter and right :

The Beast of Babylon (talmudics) #ChristIsKingOfTheWorld

Who is like the talmudic beast of Babylon ? The kings of the world was supposed to bow to the King of the kings; Jesus Christ. The politicians bow to the Jews in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv instead, they have hijacked the Throne of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, he was victoriously winning from them 2000 years ago. Stupid zionists tells, «Bless the Jews and ble Blessed«, what blessed have we been after zionist «christians» (judaism light), with this ? :

Karma crash course – Reap what you Sow

To the (‘christian’) Zionists who whines about the inherited blessings of the ‘children of Abraham’ (‘the Semites’). God is angry… not so much «blessings… What kind of ‘blessings’ for Caiaphas, Barabbas, Judas, and Herod are they are talking about?

1. Crucified Jesus, the Christ.
2. «Let His blood be on us and on our children» Matt. 27:25
3. Ok
4. Thunder and lightning
5. The temple curtain was torn
6. Stephen who was stoned
7. The satanic Temple of the «Semites» in ruins
8. Lost nation
9. 2000 years diaspora, as a pariah caste
10. Prohibited in 119 nations, no-one liked them
11. Holocaust, as per own wishes, ref. # 2)


«Who can wage war against it?»

From Obadiah we know it is God who brings the Edomites Babylonian system down. In Obadiah 1:7 we see a group of close allies pull away/trap. In Rev 17:17 we see it is God who is controlling this other Beast ‘group’, that despises her.

I am as a writer dedicated to serve God and God alone and not the Jews, I am responsible to share my knowledge, that evil people are out to hurt my people, to murder them outright, if not I will as per Ezekiel 3:18 have the slaughtered blood on my hands. With this I don’t. I am a lot more afraid of what God can do to my mortal soul, than what the Jews can do to my body, as always, they can only kill the body, not my Spirit of God, not my Soul, that is me (Matt. 10:28). My body will die sooner or later anyway, our worries should be to protect our souls and Spirit from Jewish satanic subversions.

Be VERY carefull Babylonian Jews how you spread you evils, this is not going to end up as you successfully did it in Russia from 1917, industrial exterminated 66 million of my RUS-family (RUS means «Scandinavian), I am direct related to Rurik, Grand Duke of Kiev.

This time according to the Word of God, it will end different. Your races evil in the world, it is the last time you are allowed to »

Who can bring down the Beast of Babylon ?

God can. #GodWins.

Obadiah 1:- «This is what the Lord GOD says about Edom — We have heard a message from the LORD; an envoy has been sent among the nations to say, “Rise up, and let us go to battle against her!” — 2“Behold, I will make you small among the nations; you will be deeply despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, O dwellers in the clefts of the rocks whose habitation is the heights, who say in your heart,

Who can bring me down to the ground?

4 Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, even from there I will bring you down,”


#JesusChristIsKing of the World, Isaiah 9:6,
From year 33 to forever… Even though some satanic people try to rob him his Throne, and as the right hand of God… they be unsuccessfull 🙂 LOL

Even though some satanic people in IS-RA-EL try to rob him his Throne on and as the right hand of God… they be unsuccessfull. Britain, USA, and Norway, and Europe, left God, so God left them for themselves.. with their reprobate minds they thought themselves wise, but were idiots.. Judgment : hordes occupy their nations, as locusts, ref. Jeremiah 5:14-17. My first child was aborted, I had no say in that decision, no part in that action. As the plan of the evil Harlem, we whites shall not reproduce, her «sisters» feminist voters is to find happiness in the coirporative world, the birth rate she managed to sink to 1.3 today. She have great success, on behalf of the Jews.

The jewess Gro #Harlem #Brundtland was giving her satanic sisters in spirit voters the sole say in that and @erna_solberg of the #HarlemCult followed up, now @jonasgahrstore Gro Harlem Brundtlands bagbearer in his youth wants to kill babies in the womb til 18 week
Gro Harlem Brundtland got her power in politics from Satanic sacrifices, her son and 1 million norwegian babies. Like Jesus tempted on the mountain, he said no to Satans offer to serve him, this people as HARLEM get power by saying to Satan; «Yes, thank you», and do Satans bidding. This is good Astarte policies :

The Jews for sure have their evil grip on our nation now, their values replaced the christian values by now, that is for sure. The Jews offer their subjects all kinds of sexual perversions as freedoms, that is all the freedom you can expect to have under Jewish emperors, «you will be free» offered the Serpent than as now.

Obadiah 1:7 : «All your allies will force you to the border; your friends will deceive and overpower you; those who eat your bread will set a trap for you, but you will not detect it.»

I know this, and I must accept God have allowed the Jews to do this to my nation, they seem to for long had free pass to do as they like. I must accept God have his ways and take care of those who belongs to his Kingdom, serving God as I like to do, Malachi 3:17-18, and that the evildoers will be taken out. That is what it is to have FAITH in God after all. I am sorry we norwegians let them in, after they was banned and forbidden in our nation until 1856, they came for subversion of our christian nation, my people didnt heed the Biblical warnings, they spoke another gospel instead.

To put them in a Pale of Settlement called IS-RA-EL and give them 400 nuclear warheads and submarines from Germany to carry the warheads was not a good idea (they read about the Samson Option)

From USSR > IS-RA-EL to USA on double passports They took off from Moscow as godless atheists, a bunch of murderers and criminals, and landed in Tel Aviv as «gods» Chosen > with dual passports to US & European Governments. BIG Mistake !

The salvation is NOT from the Jews, it is from Jesus Christ, who most of the Jews hate with a passion. It is sad our once great blessed nation because of Jesus Christ end up this way, with some subversed stupid young girls thinks this marriage behaviour is «normal» and ‘in’ – its not  :

Revelation 17:17 : «For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.»

First of all we need to come to terms with the zionists of our own people, who are in service for the Babylonian Beasts, expulsion of the non-Christian Jews from our nations so they can not do their subversion, and all the people return to God, repent, in Jesus Christs name ask for forgivenes – that is the ONLY way to rescue our nations :

2 Chronicles 7:14 : «Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.»

Mary Hopkin – Those Were The Days

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