Jewish Volodymyr Zelensky; The Joke (Cokehead) of the Century

The joke of this century, Volodymyr Zelensky as the best and brightest Stadtholder the Jews can provide in Kiev 🙂

Israelite Joseph : Pharaos favorite Stadtholder, Genesis 41:39,40. Joseph was so popular and successful as stadtholder that Pharao denied the Israelites their freedom, the Exodus. God’s plan was different.

Edomite talmudic Jews : «we have never been slaves of anyone» (never in Egypt, NOT Israelites) (John 8:33). White race is the Israelites, look here, and here : hundred of old books on the topic. Edomite Jews «Amalkites» (Esaus grandson)  was never in Egypt, om the contrary they made problems for the Israelites Exodus (Genesis 36:12, 1 Samuel 15:2, Exodus 17:8, Numbers 24:20).

Scandinavian Israelite Rurik : Invited and became Grand Duke of Kiev as the barbarian khazars and others there was always all they knew to smack each other in head and kill each others, ref. Varangian Guards, secured Byzantine 1300 years.

Kiev anno 2022 : Jews offer a cocaine addict jewish homosexual actor as Ruler.

Comedy deLux 🙂

Byzantine. Denne nasjonen ble sikret kristen av the Varangian Guards (Skandinaver)..

NB: SOME Jews today might be Israelites of the white race because they do not know the difference. They are just bitten by the hoax and lie of the century that the Israelites and the Jews are one and the same.

Jewish Zelensky Dancing in Heels

A christian Israelite would NEVER make a fool out himself this way, Satan like. God forbids. It is not wise to vote for any parties or persons, left or right, who is not able to properly identify the enemy and elephant in the room, of the white real_Israelite tribes (10 lost tribes, europeans). Enemies is same as in all Bibel history; edomite talmudic Babylon Jews.

Feel free to share the image everywhere, thank you:

Volodymyr Zelensky Drug Addict?

That’s why by heavenly decree of God Almighty; Jacob-Israel is to rule (Genesis 17:16, 25:23, 27:40). Esau (the Elder, Jews) to serve the younger (Jacob-Israel, white people). They use this pervert to rob us, transfer our money to themselves; The Khazaraian Way; Climate-Covid-Conflict (War) Inc.

Jarle Johansen - Rurik Novgorod Ryurik (Rörik, Hrörekr) Halfdansson Av Frisia
Just a small memory laps from before the Jews ruled in Scandinavia,

no tatoos, no transpersons, no drugs, no ring in nose, no perverts – just pure beauty as created by God – and made our nations multicultural, coup d’etat as described here

The Days of Innocence, built on christian values of safety and care for their children,
unfortunately developed into the worlds most atheistic nations, thanks to the Jews in power antichritianize the nation by policy.

The forgot their «first love» (Revelation 2:3-5), what brought them the innocence and joy to start with; Jesus Christ.

Scandinavia – Those Were The Days

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